Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Bible Prophecy In The News - MicroChip Implant "The Mark Of The Beast" M...
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Bible Prophecy - Biometric Indentification And Microchip Implants Are He...
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
***BREAKING Mark Of The Beast ALERT! RFID Put On Grocery Store Scanner I...
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
All The Nations are Attacking Israel for Reasons of Hatred Towards Her
As I have been WARNING people for YEARS now, the UN controls the world including the EU. What Country is the UN in? Obamaland. Who runs obamaland? The antichrist! The UN and the EU doven go to the bathroom without asking the antichrist permission. The antichrist HATES Israel though he pretends to love Her. The UN OPENLY hates Israel. One day in the coming Great Tribulation the antichrist will let his true colors on Israel be known. In the mean time he needs to continue to WRECK this nation, and I believe until the great whore (obamaland) is destroyed, he will next rule from NYC, at the UN, as the antichrist!
The UN General Assembly approves a resolution asking Israel to pay Lebanon millions of dollars in compensation for an oil spill.
Nobama is Getting away with more LIES
It's truly AMAZING the LIES this wicked creature is able to get away with. He does so, because the sheeple are clueless and he owns the lamestream media. I don't even bother to post much on him anymore, because EVERY WORD out of his mouth is a LIE. However, with his media crowing the greatness of his "shrinking" unemployment numbers. I just figured I would shed a little light on the darkness, a little truth on his LIES. Oh and with his new amnesty debacle...MILLIONS of Americans can kiss their jobs, or the chance to get one. GOODBYE!!!
Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million. The amazing drop in...
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Same-Sex Marriage Makes Me Sick To My Stomach
Look at this map AND WEEP OR VOMIT OUT OF SICKNESS, true christians. I KNOW there aren't MANY of us left and I thank the Lord that MANY are here with me on this wall! Most who call themselves "christians" are actually EXCITED to see the sodomites getting married. You see they 100% support it and are doing the devils work for him!!! The sodomite agenda is taking over this once great nation. This map makes me physically ILL. Many of the FEW states who ban sodomite marriage, the will of the people will SOON be overturned as well as soon as the charade "appeals' are run through the courts. If you really want to get out of here SOON and avoid the PURE HELL that's ON THE WAY IMMINENTLY, you BETTER GET SAVED NOW, and stay close to Jesus always! The true bride of Christ FLY SOON!!! Will YOU be a part of us???
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Homosexual Marriage has Destroyed America
It is a depressing day for Virginia. The Supreme Court Refused to hear the appeal case in the Overturning the Ban on Same Sex Marriage in Virginia and at least three or four more states. This means that the United States of America is now officially done for as Jehovah GOD gets prepared to Cast Judgement on this once great nation, now finished land. I can sadly say May this Nation be Damned Straight To Hell By Jehovah GOD for it is in a bible for violating the Homosexual Laws. The USA is officially DSH (Divided States of Hellmerica). The Next Blood Moon is is just over 36 Hours away. If you see this red blood moon and you are truly saved, Look Up, your Redemption Draweth Nigh! WE FLY SOON!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Five More Examples of what Today'sChurch is Like
Here are just 5 examples of what is ALL THE RAGE now, among the so called "Christian" community. This is GROWING LIKE WILDFIRE in obamaland. Just like the "Christian" swingers, these "Christians" have a new idea of how they think they should spread the Gospel. Sadly they are helping satan FILL HELL.!
Are you such a party animal that you can't bear to tear youself away from the club scene.... even to go to church? Never fear. The church will come to you. Stay as you are, have a drink (have as many as you like) and don't worry! They'll even entertain you.
That's right. Solace Church is ready to preach right IN the nightclubs and bars. Forget about sobering up. Anything goes. As the Solace Church says "Drink While You Think". Or come by for the live acts and music. Or even the free food. Or be amused while they find (albeit far-fetched) ways to tie in 'Prison Break' with church.
Come on upstairs to Tavern Church, a non-denominational Christian service hosted at a bar in Dallas.
ABILENE, Texas (CBS Houston) — Raise a pint to Jesus.
One church in Abilene is taking its sermons to the bar as the Southern Hills Church of Christ will begin holding “Bar Church” later this month.
“The mission of Bar Church is to take the gospel of Jesus to people who are unwilling, as a result of feelings of unworthiness or prior negative experiences with a church, to participate in a traditional church gathering within a traditional church setting,” the church’s website states.
Church leaders believe holding services at a bar “is something Jesus might do.”
To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer
To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer
With mainline religious congregations dwindling across America, a scattering of churches is trying to attract new members by creating a different sort of Christian community. They are gathering around craft beer.
Some church groups are brewing it themselves, while others are bring the Holy Mysteries to a taproom. The result is not sloshed congregants; rather, it's an exploratory approach to do church differently.
Leah Stanfield stands at a microphone across the room from the beer taps and reads this evening's gospel message.
She's a 28-year-old leasing agent who's been coming to Church-in-a-Pub here in Fort Worth, Tex., for a year, and occasionally leads worship.
"I find the love, I find the support, I find the non-judgmental eyes when I come here," she says. "And I find friends that love God, love craft beer."
DALLAS — At first, it may seem like a joke: “Twenty Jesus freaks walk into a bar...” But at Tavern Church, which meets at City Tavern in downtown Dallas, that's what happens once a month. They are, after all, doing the Lord’s work. In a bar.
The idea of mixing worship and booze shouldn’t seem so strange. After all, many Christian denominations like Roman Catholic, Anglican, and the Eastern Orthodox, incorporate wine into their worship services every week. But the prevailing belief, no doubt helped along by more hard-line Protestant denominations, is that Christians don’t drink and are happy to judge those who do.
Tavern Church, however, is proudly non-denominational, which helps free it from the baggage other denominations carry.
Christian services held at a strip club. Guelph, Ontario, Canada is home to The Manor, a gentleman’s club, and now on Sundays, Jack and Sharon Ninaber’s Christian fellowship services. Easter Sunday was the inaugural service at the club.
The surprising association of religion and adult entertainment was a concept that began several months ago, as CTV News reports. “If you told me I would be doing this six months ago I would be like laughing at you and saying, ‘You’re out of your mind, that's crazy,’” said Jack Ninaber, a former pastor at local Grace Community Church.
AND LASTLY, here is a "Christians" plan they are "floating" to see how many people will be interested, so they can move forward...
The surprising association of religion and adult entertainment was a concept that began several months ago, as CTV News reports. “If you told me I would be doing this six months ago I would be like laughing at you and saying, ‘You’re out of your mind, that's crazy,’” said Jack Ninaber, a former pastor at local Grace Community Church.
AND LASTLY, here is a "Christians" plan they are "floating" to see how many people will be interested, so they can move forward...
"I've been giving some thought to opening a Christian Strip Club. I think there are a lot of Christian men (and some women) who are just looking for good clean wholesome and legal fun. My plan is to hire only good Christian girls as our dancers. Our show will be a mix of dancing to gospel music and some short preaching and comedy sets. The girls will all be trained to quote scriptures while they are giving lap dances. Instead of just passing a collection plate during the preaching, we'll have the all the dancers walk around and collect dollar bills in their G-strings. For special events, the baptismal can double as a jello wrestling pool. This place should be a blast for the whole family!
Running a strip club in this manner, we'll be serve the lord and save souls, all while employing some of God's greatest creations."
Sunday, September 28, 2014
This is for the CLUELESS feast of trumpet rapture crowd
Oh and for the CLUELESS feast of trumpet rapture crowd who just cant let it go, and keep trying to tell me there is still a long time left in this years feast...well, let's check what the Jews have to say about when their holiday begins and is so PATHETIC that these heathen are so led by satan, they just cant let it go... Oh and as I said in my video, the Jews say the last trump is sounded as soon as the new moon is sighted. This case is CLOSED!
A shofar, symbol of the Rosh Hashanah holiday
Official name
Hebrew: ראש השנה
Also called
Jewish New Year
Jewish New Year
Observed by
Judaism and Jews
Judaism and Jews
Praying in synagogue, personal reflection, and hearing the shofar.
Praying in synagogue, personal reflection, and hearing the shofar.
Start of first day of Tishrei
Start of first day of Tishrei
End of second day of Tishrei
End of second day of Tishrei
2014 date
sunset, September 24 –
nightfall, September 26
sunset, September 24 –
nightfall, September 26
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Christians, this is but a small taste of what's in store for those of you about to be left behind, because you are too PROUD to REPENT of your sins you commit after being saved, and are now backslidden. The signs of Jesus IMMINENT Return are EVERYWHERE and time is running out to get truly right with Jesus. True Christians, we need to be PRAYING NIGHT AND DAY for these hero's of the faith. Also pray they are truly saved, because MANY "Christian" denominations are NOT serving Christ. Make sure you SHARE this and get the word out.
Catholic Online International News: Middle East. The...
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Breaking News 08/09/14
Rockets, Airstrikes After Gaza War Truce Collapses
Hamas: Israel rejected our demand for sea port, end of siege
'If demands not met by Sunday, we will attack Tel Aviv,' says Hamas
US 'very concerned' about Gaza developments, condemns rocket fire on Israel
Israeli lawmakers call for strong response to renewed Hamas rocket fire
Five Palestinians dead, at least 30 hurt as IAF strikes terrorist targets in Gaza
Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Beersheba; Three Israelis hurt in south
Ex-Shin Bet chief Diskin slams army, government for declaring end to Gaza operation
Former Shin Bet Head: Israel Should Learn Lesson of HiroshimaTo End Gaza Wars
Hamas militants show unharmed tunnel
Hamas backers spend fortunes on rockets and tunnels while Gazans live in misery
Israeli delegation leaves Egypt; Gazans flee eastern neighborhoods, again
Hamas Executes One of Its Leaders - Then Blames Israel
Netanyahu too strong, Abbas too weak for lasting peace, says Obama
Livni presents plan to end conflict with Hamas, restart talks with PA
Israel tourism to recover quickly from Gaza war
Muslim Brotherhood stages large pro-Hamas demonstration in Amman
Tens of thousands in Jordan celebrate 'Gaza victory'
For Gaza critics, lessons from ISIS on genocide
Obama, With Reluctance, Returns to Action in Iraq
Obama orders strikes against ISIS in Iraq, citing threat of genocide
Limited U.S. strikes in Iraq may not work
Left frets over Iraq mission creep
ISIS Threatens America: 'We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House'
Jihadists 'capture key base from Syrian army'
US official: Iraq supplies Kurdish fighters with ammunition
Kuwaitis Worry That They're Next in Line
Oil Prices Up After U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq
FAA prohibits U.S. airline flights over Iraq
Islamic militants hold hundreds of women captive in Iraq, official says
Pope Francis Sends Cardinal to Iraq in Show of Support for Thousands of Fleeing Christians
UNSC expresses concern over "substantial deterioration" in South Sudan situation
Islamism = Nazism. Any Questions?
Putin, The Defender Of Christians Against Muslims
Ukraine troops break out of encirclement, 15 troops killed
Russians warned not to use humanitarian crisis as 'pretext' to invade Ukraine
Russian Meat Importer To Europe: 'Winter Is Coming'
Nagasaki marks 69th anniversary of its atomic bombing
Border Patrol Agent: Cartels Using Children as 'Shields'
Russia demands Internet users show ID to access public Wifi
IBM's new supercomputing chip mimics the human brain with very little power
Will 'supermoon' set off 'end of world' on Aug 10?
5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Port-Olry, Vanuatu
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Chichi-shima, Japan
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Pondaguitan, Philippines
Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft
Mt Etna in Italy erupts to 18,000ft
Shiveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 15,000ft
Mysterious Noises Coming From Iceland Volcano
Yellowstone Volcano Eruption? USGS Records 99 Earthquakes In July Of 2014
Yellowstone National Park addresses rumors of earthquakes, eruptions, and evacuations
Iselle Unloads Flooding Rain, Damaging Winds on Hawaii
Typhoon Halong Barreling Toward Japan
London weather: Hurricane Bertha fallout to batter UK with torrential rain and gales
Flooding Rain Plagues Weekend for Mid-Atlantic, South
Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade
Experts: Ebola Could Cross Unsecured U.S. Border
Concern over Ontario patient from Nigeria with flu symptoms
FDA Lifts Hold on Experimental Ebola Drug
Satanists' plan to stage 'black mass' in Oklahoma City sparks outrage
Judge rules Ten Commandments monument must go
Christian leader: ISIS beheading children
Amid Ethnic Cleansing of Christians, ISIS Now Massacres Iraq's Yezidi Minority
U.S. will use airstrikes to avert genocide in Iraq, Obama says
U.S. approves humanitarian air drops to Iraq, denies bombing jihadists
US begins airdrop of aid in Iraq as ISIS threatens massacre
Islamist Fighters Rout Kurds in Northern Iraq and Seize Dam
Islamic State pulls down church crosses in northern Iraq as 200,000 flee
Pope Francis calls for action as Iraqi Christians forced to flee
ISIS Captures City in Lebanon as Threat Moves Closer to Israel
Obama: "The Palestinian Authority has shown itself to be responsible, and has recognized the state of Israel"
Abbas: 'We recognize Israel, they should recognize Palestine'
Gaza war could lead to Abbas's return and new hopes for Palestinian-Israeli peace
Hamas warns residents of South: 'Don't return home, unless Israel meets our demands'
Back from Gaza, troops talk of a tougher Hamas and feelings of a job unfinished
Security sources: Israel to respond with force if Hamas resumes rocket fire
Mortars fired at Israel, hours before end of cease-fire
Hamas: Ready for long war unless Israel accepts truce demands
Hamas fighter: We have more weapons, can hit more Israeli cities
Which Mideast power brokers support Hamas?
'Help Israel avoid war crimes charges,' Netanyahu urges US lawmakers
Red Cross chief: Humanitarian law may have been violated in Gaza
Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields
Defeat for Hamas, devastation for Gaza
Hamas says executed Palestinians suspected of spying for Israel
Israel fears Gaza tunnels 'child's game' compared to Hezbollah's
Hamas West Bank head arrested, indicted for planning wave of terror attacks
Report: Netanyahu Promises Talmud Will Be Israeli Law
Antisemitism on rise across Europe 'in worst times since the Nazis'
George Soros Makes Huge Move to Boycott Israel
France: Muslim smashes up historic church, media dismisses him as person with "mental problems"
Russian bombers penetrated U.S. airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days
Kiev ends ceasefire at MH17 crash site, West blocks Moscow's UN plea to reinstate it
China to build lighthouses on five isles in defiance of U.S. call
DOJ: Regions Near Mexico Border Most Crime Ridden in US
Border Patrol Agent: Federal Government Releasing Murderers Into U.S.
Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy
Fed survey: 40% of households show signs of financial stress
Many Americans Renounce Citizenship, Hitting New Record
Edward Snowden given permission to stay in Russia for three more years
Issa: More Than 20 Obama Officials 'Lost or Destroyed' E-mails After House Launched Probes
China tightens grip on instant messaging services
Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 22,000ft
Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft
Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft
Stromboli volcano in Italy has non-explosive eruption
Hawaii Earthquake Shakes Big Island as Hurricane Iselle Approaches
Iselle to give Hawaii first hurricane in 22 years
Rare Switch for Genevieve: Hurricane to Super Typhoon
Flooding hits Serbia and Bosnia again
NASA Climate Scientist Explains 15-Year 'Global Warming Hiatus'
British Antarctic Survey trapped without power during record cold -55.4 deg C
Ebola's spread to US is 'inevitable' says CDC chief
Liberia health system collapsing as Ebola spreads
Saudi being tested for Ebola dies in Jeddah
Ebola Cases Mix With Malaria Amid 'Slow-Motion Disaster'
Millions Of Jellyfish-Like Sea Creatures Invading West Coast Beaches
Child suspect in playground attack calls 911: 'I just stabbed somebody. Please pick me up,' witness says
Judge: 'It Doesn't Look Like The Sky Has Fallen In' Because Of Gay Marriage
Christian group told they can't pray at Georgia shopping mall
Award-Winning Worship Leader Generates Controversy for Rejecting Genesis as Literal
China Establishes New 'Christian Theology' To Control Its Christian Population
Hamas: Israel rejected our demand for sea port, end of siege
'If demands not met by Sunday, we will attack Tel Aviv,' says Hamas
US 'very concerned' about Gaza developments, condemns rocket fire on Israel
Israeli lawmakers call for strong response to renewed Hamas rocket fire
Five Palestinians dead, at least 30 hurt as IAF strikes terrorist targets in Gaza
Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Beersheba; Three Israelis hurt in south
Ex-Shin Bet chief Diskin slams army, government for declaring end to Gaza operation
Former Shin Bet Head: Israel Should Learn Lesson of HiroshimaTo End Gaza Wars
Hamas militants show unharmed tunnel
Hamas backers spend fortunes on rockets and tunnels while Gazans live in misery
Israeli delegation leaves Egypt; Gazans flee eastern neighborhoods, again
Hamas Executes One of Its Leaders - Then Blames Israel
Netanyahu too strong, Abbas too weak for lasting peace, says Obama
Livni presents plan to end conflict with Hamas, restart talks with PA
Israel tourism to recover quickly from Gaza war
Muslim Brotherhood stages large pro-Hamas demonstration in Amman
Tens of thousands in Jordan celebrate 'Gaza victory'
For Gaza critics, lessons from ISIS on genocide
Obama, With Reluctance, Returns to Action in Iraq
Obama orders strikes against ISIS in Iraq, citing threat of genocide
Limited U.S. strikes in Iraq may not work
Left frets over Iraq mission creep
ISIS Threatens America: 'We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House'
Jihadists 'capture key base from Syrian army'
US official: Iraq supplies Kurdish fighters with ammunition
Kuwaitis Worry That They're Next in Line
Oil Prices Up After U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq
FAA prohibits U.S. airline flights over Iraq
Islamic militants hold hundreds of women captive in Iraq, official says
Pope Francis Sends Cardinal to Iraq in Show of Support for Thousands of Fleeing Christians
UNSC expresses concern over "substantial deterioration" in South Sudan situation
Islamism = Nazism. Any Questions?
Putin, The Defender Of Christians Against Muslims
Ukraine troops break out of encirclement, 15 troops killed
Russians warned not to use humanitarian crisis as 'pretext' to invade Ukraine
Russian Meat Importer To Europe: 'Winter Is Coming'
Nagasaki marks 69th anniversary of its atomic bombing
Border Patrol Agent: Cartels Using Children as 'Shields'
Russia demands Internet users show ID to access public Wifi
IBM's new supercomputing chip mimics the human brain with very little power
Will 'supermoon' set off 'end of world' on Aug 10?
5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Port-Olry, Vanuatu
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Chichi-shima, Japan
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Pondaguitan, Philippines
Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft
Mt Etna in Italy erupts to 18,000ft
Shiveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 15,000ft
Mysterious Noises Coming From Iceland Volcano
Yellowstone Volcano Eruption? USGS Records 99 Earthquakes In July Of 2014
Yellowstone National Park addresses rumors of earthquakes, eruptions, and evacuations
Iselle Unloads Flooding Rain, Damaging Winds on Hawaii
Typhoon Halong Barreling Toward Japan
London weather: Hurricane Bertha fallout to batter UK with torrential rain and gales
Flooding Rain Plagues Weekend for Mid-Atlantic, South
Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade
Experts: Ebola Could Cross Unsecured U.S. Border
Concern over Ontario patient from Nigeria with flu symptoms
FDA Lifts Hold on Experimental Ebola Drug
Satanists' plan to stage 'black mass' in Oklahoma City sparks outrage
Judge rules Ten Commandments monument must go
Christian leader: ISIS beheading children
Amid Ethnic Cleansing of Christians, ISIS Now Massacres Iraq's Yezidi Minority
U.S. will use airstrikes to avert genocide in Iraq, Obama says
U.S. approves humanitarian air drops to Iraq, denies bombing jihadists
US begins airdrop of aid in Iraq as ISIS threatens massacre
Islamist Fighters Rout Kurds in Northern Iraq and Seize Dam
Islamic State pulls down church crosses in northern Iraq as 200,000 flee
Pope Francis calls for action as Iraqi Christians forced to flee
ISIS Captures City in Lebanon as Threat Moves Closer to Israel
Obama: "The Palestinian Authority has shown itself to be responsible, and has recognized the state of Israel"
Abbas: 'We recognize Israel, they should recognize Palestine'
Gaza war could lead to Abbas's return and new hopes for Palestinian-Israeli peace
Hamas warns residents of South: 'Don't return home, unless Israel meets our demands'
Back from Gaza, troops talk of a tougher Hamas and feelings of a job unfinished
Security sources: Israel to respond with force if Hamas resumes rocket fire
Mortars fired at Israel, hours before end of cease-fire
Hamas: Ready for long war unless Israel accepts truce demands
Hamas fighter: We have more weapons, can hit more Israeli cities
Which Mideast power brokers support Hamas?
'Help Israel avoid war crimes charges,' Netanyahu urges US lawmakers
Red Cross chief: Humanitarian law may have been violated in Gaza
Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields
Defeat for Hamas, devastation for Gaza
Hamas says executed Palestinians suspected of spying for Israel
Israel fears Gaza tunnels 'child's game' compared to Hezbollah's
Hamas West Bank head arrested, indicted for planning wave of terror attacks
Report: Netanyahu Promises Talmud Will Be Israeli Law
Antisemitism on rise across Europe 'in worst times since the Nazis'
George Soros Makes Huge Move to Boycott Israel
France: Muslim smashes up historic church, media dismisses him as person with "mental problems"
Russian bombers penetrated U.S. airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days
Kiev ends ceasefire at MH17 crash site, West blocks Moscow's UN plea to reinstate it
China to build lighthouses on five isles in defiance of U.S. call
DOJ: Regions Near Mexico Border Most Crime Ridden in US
Border Patrol Agent: Federal Government Releasing Murderers Into U.S.
Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy
Fed survey: 40% of households show signs of financial stress
Many Americans Renounce Citizenship, Hitting New Record
Edward Snowden given permission to stay in Russia for three more years
Issa: More Than 20 Obama Officials 'Lost or Destroyed' E-mails After House Launched Probes
China tightens grip on instant messaging services
Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 22,000ft
Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft
Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft
Stromboli volcano in Italy has non-explosive eruption
Hawaii Earthquake Shakes Big Island as Hurricane Iselle Approaches
Iselle to give Hawaii first hurricane in 22 years
Rare Switch for Genevieve: Hurricane to Super Typhoon
Flooding hits Serbia and Bosnia again
NASA Climate Scientist Explains 15-Year 'Global Warming Hiatus'
British Antarctic Survey trapped without power during record cold -55.4 deg C
Ebola's spread to US is 'inevitable' says CDC chief
Liberia health system collapsing as Ebola spreads
Saudi being tested for Ebola dies in Jeddah
Ebola Cases Mix With Malaria Amid 'Slow-Motion Disaster'
Millions Of Jellyfish-Like Sea Creatures Invading West Coast Beaches
Child suspect in playground attack calls 911: 'I just stabbed somebody. Please pick me up,' witness says
Judge: 'It Doesn't Look Like The Sky Has Fallen In' Because Of Gay Marriage
Christian group told they can't pray at Georgia shopping mall
Award-Winning Worship Leader Generates Controversy for Rejecting Genesis as Literal
China Establishes New 'Christian Theology' To Control Its Christian Population

Monday, August 4, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Endtimes News 8/1/14
Lets have a look at just a few of todays news headlines my friends. ANYONE who cant see were on the doorstep of the IMMINENT Rapture is BLIND and ASLEEP!!! Open your Bibles and read Matthew 24, It Reads JUST like these headlines do!!!
Gaza Crisis: Isis Pledge to Join the Palestinian Fight Against 'Barbaric Jews'
IDF, Hamas to observe 72 hour truce in Gaza
72 hour Truce crumbles as 40 killed in Gaza, rockets hit Israel
Amid more talk of cease-fire, Israel says it will not leave Gaza until tunnels destroyed
Kerry: Israel may continue tunnel demolition during cease-fire
IDF soldiers uncover tunnel shaft in mosque
Israel deploys robots to clear Hamas tunnels
This time, Gaza fighting is 'proxy war' for entire Mideast
Calls Grow to Upgrade Operation Protective Edge to 'War' Status
By April, IDF knew Hamas was preparing for 'summer war'
Former head of IDF operations: 'Hamas is in crisis'
Cairo denies Hamas an audience without Fatah umbrella
Iran's Quds Force to Hamas: Turn Israeli land and sky into hell
Rouhani: 'This Festering Zionist Tumor Has Opened Once Again'
Doctors condemn Israeli 'crime against humanity'
Gaza's Next Disaster: No Cement for Rebuilding
Under fire and out of cash, U.N. overwhelmed by Gaza crisis
US Senate blocks Iron Dome funding to Israel
Pentagon: Israel must do more to live up to its high standards of protecting civilians
White House slams Israel for 'indefensible' shelling of UN school
Obama Really Wants Israel's Destruction in Gaza
House to consider condemnation of Erdogan for anti-Semitism
After anti-Semitic riots, France wants to outlaw the Jewish Defense League
Thousands attend pro-Israel demonstration in Paris
Sharansky: Jewish history in Europe is at the beginning of its end
The Trigger Points For World War III Are In Place
Is global chaos the new normal?
US to sell largest ever Hellfire missile cache to Iraq
Iraqi Kurds, battling Islamist threat, press Washington for arms
Syrian defector testifies, shows House lawmakers graphic images of Assad torture
Militias take control of Benghazi; clashes escalate in Tripoli
Around 1,500 Vietnamese workers still trapped in Libya chaos
'Dozens of bodies' at captured base in Benghazi, Libya
Nato 'unprepared' for Russia threat, say MPs
Putin's Next Move Could Involve Gas
Russia Eyes Banning U.S. Chicken And Some European Fruit
Global Hunger Continues to Spread
Insect damage to world's crops is wreaking havoc on global food supplies
China confirms new generation long range missiles
China urges US not to interfere in sovereignty
House approves lawsuit against Obama over alleged abuse of executive power
Sessions: Executive Amnesty Will Make Immigration Enforcement 'Almost Impossible'
1000 Children Fleeing Violent Honduras Heading to Violent Chicago
Shock: 80% of U.S. population growth is from immigrants, resources being sucked dry
California Governor Jerry Brown: Climate Change Will Drive Millions of People North over the Border
IMF urges higher energy taxes to fight climate change
Argentina Declared in Default by S&P as Talks Fail
Argentina blames US for debt woes, denies default
Dow Plunges 317 Points, Wipes Out 2014 Gains
Bankrupt California city eyes marijuana for revenue
CIA Admits to Hacking Senate Computers
NFL players to wear shoulder pad RFIDs for on-field stats tracking
5.8 magnitude earthquake hits near Port Blair, India
5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Bordj el Kiffan, Algeria
5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Visokoi Island
5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Port Blair, India
5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Northern Mariana Islands
5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Arequipa, Peru
Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft
Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ft
Japan, South Korea Face Tropical Floods, Typhoon Risk
Tropical Storm Bertha forms in the Atlantic; storm warnings issued for Barbados, Dominica
California breaks drought record as 58% of state hits driest level
California drought: 'May have to migrate people'
July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis
Liberian Official: Ebola Outbreak 'Is Above The Control Of The National Government'
Ebola death toll rises to 729: WHO
U.S. government seeking to test Ebola vaccine on humans
Atlanta hospital to receive Ebola patients
Ebola Outbreak Won't Stop Obama's Plans For Summit Of African Leaders
Ebola outbreak: fight against disease hampered by belief in witchcraft, warns British doctor
Not Just Ebola: 10 Diseases Your Local ER Should Be Looking For
'Radical action required': Drug-resistant malaria spreads in Asia, Africa
China court hears first gay 'conversion therapy' case
Powerful Taiwan gas explosions kill 24, injure 271
12-year-old arrested in 'spontaneous' killing of Jacksonville homeless man
Hamas invites Hezbollah to join in fighting against Israel
Hamas terrorists trained in Malaysia for parachute attack, Shin Bet says
Abbas: Gaza a 'disaster area'
Despite criticism, Israel government resolves to intensify Gaza offensive
Security cabinet directs IDF to continue operation, complete destruction of terror tunnels
3 IDF soldiers killed in booby-trapped tunnel shaft in Gaza
Gaza conflict: US and UN condemn school shelling
'Israel has ample evidence that Hamas is using UNRWA schools for terrorist purposes'
Hamas' military leader: No ceasefire until blockade lifted
Rockets continue to target South as IDF observes four-hour 'humanitarian pause' in Gaza
Iran says Egypt dragging its feet on allowing aid into Gaza
Caroline Glick: Under Obama, America has switched sides
US Senate pushes back against narrative of UNHRC on Gaza
Kerry's mistakes strengthen Hamas's resolve
Israel 'deeply disappointed' at El Salvador, Peru and Chile for recalling envoy
Israel cuts interest rates to maintain impact of Gaza conflict
Three arrests made for bloody assault against Palestinians in capital
Exposing the anti-Israel media bias
Anti-Semitic incidents rise in UK as Gaza conflict rages
Middle East chaos - history of Intermixing ethnic groups, religions, states
ISIS: Rapid transformation from militia to state
Islamic State fighter: 'Turkey paved the way for us'
UN Security Council condemns offensive by extremist militants in Iraq as threat to its future
Ex-Muslim critic of Islam expelled from Norway, faces deportion to Pakistan and death
Moscow: US will feel 'tangible losses' from 'destructive, myopic' sanctions
MH17 crash site: Dangers delay investigators; Ukraine warns of mines
More violence in China's Xinjiang, prominent academic indicted
Drone carrying contraband crashes at SC prison
Argentina in 11th-hour talks as default looms
5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Panguna, Papua New Guinea
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Ohonua, Tonga
3.0 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes The Manhattan Beach Area
Landslide in Maharashtra kills 17; 200 feared trapped
What's the hold up, El Nino?
Japan heat wave kills more than a dozen
Yosemite fire expands, threatens giant sequoia trees
Nasty chikungunya virus gaining traction in U.S.
Long Island Boy Diagnosed With Rare Strain of Lyme Disease
Florida resident dies from flesh-eating bacteria, officials confirm
EBOLA: Doctor Quarantined in Canada
Congressman: Close Border to Ebola Countries
Activists want gay rights on Africa summit agenda
In Bible Belt, gay marriage rights increasingly in flux
University to Offer 'Gender-Open' Restrooms
Couple who reported child in hot car allegedly run over by boy's mother
Papal first: Francis visits Pentecostal church
Monday, July 28, 2014
Maliciousness. Not Incompetence. By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 28th, 2014 at 04:30 AM | 115 Part 2
As I have said all along, the antichrist is leading the great whore down the path towards her date with Judgment via the Hand Of God! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!
Obama’s offensive ‘rise or fall together’ reeks of socialism, angers Americans
July 28, 2014 by Michele Kirk 48 Comments
President Obama’s attempt at rallying America in his weekly address on Saturday was nothing short of chilling – especially coming from him.
The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse
"Let’s embrace an economic patriotism (Socialism) that says we rise or fall together, as one nation." —Obama:
"Let’s embrace an economic patriotism (Socialism) that says we rise or fall together, as one nation." —Obama:
3:40 PM - 27 Jul 2014
Maliciousness. Not Incompetence. By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 28th, 2014 at 04:30 AM | 115
***UNLIKE the man who wrote the comments below, and the scant FEW others who are beginning to WAKE UP, albeit a little bit, and just a little too LATE, I have ALWAYS known the antichrist (Obama's) motives. What is even sadder is even though they begin to see he is malicious, they have absolutely NO CLUE as to this wicked, most evil of creatures is, what he is capable of. He is none other than the ANTICHRIST and he's just getting started! When he becomes satan incarnate, after the IMMINENT Rapture, ALL HELL will break loose here and abroad. The next president, if there even is one, wont be able to do ANYTHING, except what the new world ruler (Obama, the antichrist) tells them to!
Maliciousness. Not Incompetence.
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 28th, 2014 at 04:30 AM | 115
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 28th, 2014 at 04:30 AM | 115
For the longest time I have chosen to chalk our President’s stumbles, bumbles, and disasters up to incompetence. He is in over his head. He is inexperienced. He is out of his league. It is hard to accept otherwise.
But it is clearer and clearer that is not true. It is clear that President Obama’s disastrous policies are premised not in incompetence, but in maliciousness. Our President — and he is our President — is not a stumbler and a bumbler, but a Nero who when not persecuting Christians, plays golf while the world burns.
President Obama has surrounded himself with a group of people who comport to his own world view. That world view is very simple to explain: Barack Obama and his advisors belief that in order for the world to be safer, they must make the United States less safe. In order for the world to be stable, the United States must be less stable.
In short, Barack Obama blames America first.
The swarms of illegal immigrants across the border is all part of the plan.
Letting tensions between Israel and Hamas flare into a hot war is all part of the plan.
Sending mixed signals to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and others is all part of the plan.
Barack Obama is setting out to remake the world order. That remake is premised on the United States needing to take a back seat or, to put it another way, lead from behind.
How many people in this world will die because Barack Obama played golf while the world burned? How many Americans will eventually lose their lives because Barack Obama chose the rest of the world over his own national interests?
There is grave incompetence in the White House. But there is also a maliciousness that views the very image of the shining city on the hill a jingoist insult to the rest of the world.
Al Qaeda once sensed weakness when, during the Clinton administration, we prosecuted instead of fought. How much more weakness does ISIS sense as we retreat from the globe, dither on the world stage, and watch our President play the back nine.
It is malicious hostility toward the world order those American leaders who lived through World War II sought to create to foster stability, peace, security. Because Barack Obama and the left have no sense of history and no respect for their predecessors on the world stage, they will seek to undo without ever appreciating why it was that order came to be.
But then the body bags will be some future President’s problem.
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