Friday, October 24, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

Look at this map AND WEEP OR VOMIT OUT OF SICKNESS, true christians. I KNOW there aren't MANY of us left and I thank the Lord that MANY are here with me on this wall! Most who call themselves "christians" are actually EXCITED to see the sodomites getting married. You see they 100% support it and are doing the devils work for him!!! The sodomite agenda is taking over this once great nation. This map makes me physically ILL. Many of the FEW states who ban sodomite marriage, the will of the people will SOON be overturned as well as soon as the charade "appeals' are run through the courts. If you really want to get out of here SOON and avoid the PURE HELL that's ON THE WAY IMMINENTLY, you BETTER GET SAVED NOW, and stay close to Jesus always! The true bride of Christ FLY SOON!!! Will YOU be a part of us???

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