Monday, October 6, 2014

Homosexual Marriage has Destroyed America

It is a depressing day for Virginia. The Supreme Court Refused to hear the appeal case in the Overturning the Ban on Same Sex Marriage in Virginia and at least three or four more states. This means that the United States of America is now officially done for as Jehovah GOD gets prepared to Cast Judgement on this once great nation, now finished land. I can sadly say May this Nation be Damned Straight To Hell By Jehovah GOD for it is in a bible for violating the Homosexual Laws. The USA is officially DSH (Divided States of Hellmerica). The Next Blood Moon is is just over 36 Hours away. If you see this red blood moon and you are truly saved, Look Up, your Redemption Draweth Nigh! WE FLY SOON!!!!!!

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