Saturday, December 20, 2014

All The Nations are Attacking Israel for Reasons of Hatred Towards Her

As I have been WARNING people for YEARS now, the UN controls the world including the EU. What Country is the UN in? Obamaland. Who runs obamaland? The antichrist! The UN and the EU doven go to the bathroom without asking the antichrist permission. The antichrist HATES Israel though he pretends to love Her. The UN OPENLY hates Israel. One day in the coming Great Tribulation the antichrist will let his true colors on Israel be known. In the mean time he needs to continue to WRECK this nation, and I believe until the great whore (obamaland) is destroyed, he will next rule from NYC, at the UN, as the antichrist!
The UN General Assembly approves a resolution asking Israel to pay Lebanon millions of dollars in compensation for an oil spill.

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