Friday, October 24, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

Look at this map AND WEEP OR VOMIT OUT OF SICKNESS, true christians. I KNOW there aren't MANY of us left and I thank the Lord that MANY are here with me on this wall! Most who call themselves "christians" are actually EXCITED to see the sodomites getting married. You see they 100% support it and are doing the devils work for him!!! The sodomite agenda is taking over this once great nation. This map makes me physically ILL. Many of the FEW states who ban sodomite marriage, the will of the people will SOON be overturned as well as soon as the charade "appeals' are run through the courts. If you really want to get out of here SOON and avoid the PURE HELL that's ON THE WAY IMMINENTLY, you BETTER GET SAVED NOW, and stay close to Jesus always! The true bride of Christ FLY SOON!!! Will YOU be a part of us???

Monday, October 6, 2014

Homosexual Marriage has Destroyed America

It is a depressing day for Virginia. The Supreme Court Refused to hear the appeal case in the Overturning the Ban on Same Sex Marriage in Virginia and at least three or four more states. This means that the United States of America is now officially done for as Jehovah GOD gets prepared to Cast Judgement on this once great nation, now finished land. I can sadly say May this Nation be Damned Straight To Hell By Jehovah GOD for it is in a bible for violating the Homosexual Laws. The USA is officially DSH (Divided States of Hellmerica). The Next Blood Moon is is just over 36 Hours away. If you see this red blood moon and you are truly saved, Look Up, your Redemption Draweth Nigh! WE FLY SOON!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Five More Examples of what Today'sChurch is Like

Here are just 5 examples of what is ALL THE RAGE now, among the so called "Christian" community. This is GROWING LIKE WILDFIRE in obamaland. Just like the "Christian" swingers, these "Christians" have a new idea of how they think they should spread the Gospel. Sadly they are helping satan FILL HELL.!
Are you such a party animal that you can't bear to tear youself away from the club scene.... even to go to church? Never fear. The church will come to you. Stay as you are, have a drink (have as many as you like) and don't worry! They'll even entertain you. 
That's right. Solace Church is ready to preach right IN the nightclubs and bars. Forget about sobering up. Anything goes. As the Solace Church says "Drink While You Think". Or come by for the live acts and music. Or even the free food. Or be amused while they find (albeit far-fetched) ways to tie in 'Prison Break' with church.
Come on upstairs to Tavern Church, a non-denominational Christian service hosted at a bar in Dallas.
ABILENE, Texas (CBS Houston) — Raise a pint to Jesus.
One church in Abilene is taking its sermons to the bar as the Southern Hills Church of Christ will begin holding “Bar Church” later this month.
“The mission of Bar Church is to take the gospel of Jesus to people who are unwilling, as a result of feelings of unworthiness or prior negative experiences with a church, to participate in a traditional church gathering within a traditional church setting,” the church’s website states.
Church leaders believe holding services at a bar “is something Jesus might do.”
To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer
With mainline religious congregations dwindling across America, a scattering of churches is trying to attract new members by creating a different sort of Christian community. They are gathering around craft beer.
Some church groups are brewing it themselves, while others are bring the Holy Mysteries to a taproom. The result is not sloshed congregants; rather, it's an exploratory approach to do church differently.
Leah Stanfield stands at a microphone across the room from the beer taps and reads this evening's gospel message.
She's a 28-year-old leasing agent who's been coming to Church-in-a-Pub here in Fort Worth, Tex., for a year, and occasionally leads worship.
"I find the love, I find the support, I find the non-judgmental eyes when I come here," she says. "And I find friends that love God, love craft beer."
DALLAS — At first, it may seem like a joke: “Twenty Jesus freaks walk into a bar...” But at Tavern Church, which meets at City Tavern in downtown Dallas, that's what happens once a month. They are, after all, doing the Lord’s work. In a bar.
The idea of mixing worship and booze shouldn’t seem so strange. After all, many Christian denominations like Roman Catholic, Anglican, and the Eastern Orthodox, incorporate wine into their worship services every week. But the prevailing belief, no doubt helped along by more hard-line Protestant denominations, is that Christians don’t drink and are happy to judge those who do.
Tavern Church, however, is proudly non-denominational, which helps free it from the baggage other denominations carry.
Christian services held at a strip club. Guelph, Ontario, Canada is home to The Manor, a gentleman’s club, and now on Sundays, Jack and Sharon Ninaber’s Christian fellowship services. Easter Sunday was the inaugural service at the club.
The surprising association of religion and adult entertainment was a concept that began several months ago, as CTV News reports. “If you told me I would be doing this six months ago I would be like laughing at you and saying, ‘You’re out of your mind, that's crazy,’” said Jack Ninaber, a former pastor at local Grace Community Church.
AND LASTLY, here is a "Christians" plan they are "floating" to see how many people will be interested, so they can move forward...
"I've been giving some thought to opening a Christian Strip Club. I think there are a lot of Christian men (and some women) who are just looking for good clean wholesome and legal fun. My plan is to hire only good Christian girls as our dancers. Our show will be a mix of dancing to gospel music and some short preaching and comedy sets. The girls will all be trained to quote scriptures while they are giving lap dances. Instead of just passing a collection plate during the preaching, we'll have the all the dancers walk around and collect dollar bills in their G-strings. For special events, the baptismal can double as a jello wrestling pool. This place should be a blast for the whole family! 
Running a strip club in this manner, we'll be serve the lord and save souls, all while employing some of God's greatest creations."