Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton Hiding A Brain Injury? Is She Physically Or Morally Fit 2B President? U Decide!

RIP US! Obama Gave Past Presidents 1 Million + $ A Year 4 Travel & Denies Vets, Elderly 1 Cent More!

Michelle Obama To DNC Mob: Hillary Who Called Disabled Kids Fu*king Retards Is True Kids Role Model!

WOW! They Boo'd Bernie & Hillary Off Stage @ DNC Convention! Will Obama Suspend 2016 Elections?

Feel The Bern? Bad Enough He Lied By Endorsing Hillary BUT What He Just Said U Gotta Hear 2 Believe!

Put ISIS ALL Terrorism On Back Burner! Obama Said Air Conditioners & Refrigerators MUCH More Lethal!

Is This Designer Human Animal Hybrid Part Of The Next Evolution? Genetic Science Is Getting Scary!

My New Channel! Hope U Enjoy It!

FYI, There Are Now 65 Official Gender Classifications! I List Them So U Can Get With The Program!

Violent, Deadly, Fatal Shootings, Murders, Cops, Etc Live Video's Are Getting Too Graphic To Watch.

What Will Left Behind Christians & FEW Who Make It Who Dont Believe In The Rapture Do & Say 2 Jesus?

The Antichrist Barack Obama @ Mexico & Canada 2 Push North American Union 1 World Leader, Government

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The SIMPLE Solution 2 END World Hunger, Disease, Crime, Inequality In 30 Seconds!

Picture Claims 2 Show Dead Mans Spirit Leaving His Body. Can U Know If He Went Heaven Or Hell? YES.

Gog (Putin) Told The Antichrist Barack Obama: It's Urgent 2 Fix Things Between Us NOW!

The Antichrist 2B Most Narcissistic Man Ever! Obama Said Own Name 45 Times @ Dallas Cops Funeral.

RIP America! U.S. Court Chief Justice Says ALL Judges Should IGNORE The Constitution! Were TOAST!

HUGE NASA Alien Cover-Up! As UFO Enters Earths Atmosphere, ISS Cuts Video Feed!

Rapture/3rd Temple Alert! Palestine & Jordan UN Vote 2 Make Israel Give Up Jerusalem & Temple Mount!

The Antichrist Barack Obama On 700 Magazine Covers, Nobel Prize, 2 Grammy's, Many Person Of Year!

Alien Rapture? NASA: "Aliens Will Make Contact SOON!" Be Blamed For Abducting ALL Christians & Kids!