Saturday, April 30, 2016

Camera Records Giant UFO In California! Alien Sightings Are EVERYWHERE In U.S. EVERYDAY now!

2016 Election Suspending False Flag? Obama: US Preparing 2 Defend Itself From N. Korea Attack!


The Antichrist Barack Obama Said I'll Do What It Takes 2 Pass Deal That Makes Him Head Of The EU!

URGENT EMP ALERT: TWO EMP Enabled N. Korean Satellites Now Orbit Above The U.S.!

"Christians" Franklin Graham Ted Cruz John Boehner Take The BEAM Out Of Ur Eyes B4 Speck In Others!

Obama Creating 20 Sanctuary Cities For Illegal Aliens & They Are Non Deportable Or Prosecutable!

HUGE Psalm 83 War & Gog Magog War News! Israel Says Multiple Front Wars Are NEAR!

100% PROOF Target & Other Pro-Transgender Restroom Policies Are Abused & Threaten Women & Children!

Are Near Death Experiences, Heaven & Hell Visits From God Or satan? The Bible Says?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

FINALLY! Harriet Tubman To Grace The 20 Dollar Bill! NOW Lets ALL Work 2 END RACISM FOREVER!

Great Message.  Slavery was a very bad thing and it should have never been in the picture to begin with.

It is time to give your life over to Jesus Christ Now before it is TOO LATE!

BREAKING NEWS: Singer Prince Rogers Nelson Dead @ 57.

Breaking News

The Antichrist Barack Obama Tells Israel 2 Give Your Land To Syria! It Don't Belong To You!

For those who follow my post, this is not slander.  This is biblical prophecy in the last of the last days at it's finest.  It is time to give your life over to Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.  READ YOUR KJV HOLY BIBLES and see for yourself and if you don't believe me, then do your research.  This research takes time and when you research this information, you will see the truth of what the KJV HOLY BIBLE is talking about.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obama Crow! Poll: U.S. Racial HATRED Worst Since Jim Crow! Thx 4 Healing Racism As U Promised!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! His Puppet P.M. Trudeau Follows His Lead, Stops Freedom Of Worship!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! He Removed Freedom Of Worship Law Cuz SOON Only HE Can Be Worshipped

Glenn Beck Who Practices A devils Religion Has Gall 2 Criticize Americans For Worshipping The devil!

Double Standard? Gay College Coach CONTINUALLY Sexually Harassed Employee & Gets Fined $455.00!

"Big Name" Christians Are Now Jumping On My Bandwagon & Saying America Is Great Whore Of Babylon!

Black Star Calls 4 Black Men 2 Gang Rape Sarah Palin! What If White Star Said This @ Loretta Lynch?

Obama Just Guaranteed NO Republican Will Be President In 2016! How Can He Be Sure? I'll Tell U!

Psalm 83 War Trigger? Arab Leaders Tell ALL Arabs 2 PROTECT Dome Of The Rock From "Wicked" Israel!

Pope Francis Tells All Christians To NOT Tell LGBT Community How Bible Says 2 Live.

HUGE MARK OF THE BEAST ALERT! This Summer YOUR Fingerprint Will Be Used To Buy & Sell!

New Humanoid Robot Created. The Talking Image Of The Beast Man Will Worship Is VERY NEAR!

BREAKING! MASS CLONING/Human Animal Hybrid Factory Creates Soul-Less Humans, Livestock, & Pets!

BREAKING! Top Astronomer: Newly Discovered Planet WILL Destroy Earth! Some Say Soon As April 2016!

With Passover Near & River Nile Turned To Blood, It's OBVIOUS Rapture/Harpazo & Tribulation R NEAR!

Mark Of Beast? Obamacare Purpose All Along: Make Insurance Unaffordable & Herd U In2 Beast System!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! Distant Great Grandson Of Roman Empire Founder! 100% Perfect Match!

**URGENT** RIOTS, Martial Law & Election Suspension COMING? Barack Obama Orders Welfare 2B Cut Off!

Demons Released + Blood Sacrifice? Times Square Temple Of Baal Opens Day Of HIGHEST satanic Holiday!