Friday, January 1, 2016

If Barack Obama Leaves Office In January 2017, That's 666 Months From Month He Was Born!

False Teacher John Hagee Lied Again 2day + Said He'll Set Record Straight SOON! Dont Hold Ur Breath!

The Antichrist THREATENED Me, Told me To STOP Trying To Expose His Identity. He Dont Know Me!

Florida's Muslim Leader Talks Peace 2 U.S. In English & Talks TERRORISM 2 Muslims In Islam!

On 5 KEY Landmarks @ Obama's 1st Election, Chicago, His Towns Lottery Winning #'s Were 666!

Astronomers Say Giant Comets May Hit Earth & Have A HUGE Impact, May Kill BILLIONS!

Barack Obama's DESTROYED America, Yet He's The Most ADMIRED Man In U.S. Here's Why!

Floods Of Biblical Proportions Leave Cities, Towns & Villages Under Water In England!

Barack Obama Is Royalty! He Is Related To 2 EU Kings and 7 U.S. Presidents & Soon 2b King Of World!

Mark Of Beast Alert! Supreme Court Agree Lethal Injection's Bad & Say BEHEADING'S Most Humane!

Bible: Antichrist Will Be "Revealed" To All After Harpazo. IF U Have Wisdom (666) U Can Know NOW!

False Teacher John Hagee's Book Tells Jews Moses NOT Jesus Is Your Messiah! Jesus NEVER Claimed 2B!

If Obama Was Really Born In Hawaii, How Come They Cant Even Get An Abandoned Lot Named After Him?

In 2015 Muslim Americans Break U.S. Terrorism Record! More Than 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Most EVER!

In 2015 Muslim Americans Break U.S. Terrorism Record! More Than 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Most EVER!

Tornado's Killed 16 In South, 11 Killed In Texas From Tornado's, Now Blizzards & Flooding Come!

False Teacher John Hagee's Book Tells Jews Moses NOT Jesus Is Your Messiah! Jesus NEVER Claimed 2B!

Religion Of Peace: All Muslims Ordered By Islam To Harvest Organs From ALL Living Non Muslims

Rare Christmas Time Tornado's Kill At Least 16 In U.S. South. God's Trying To Get Our Attention

Pastors @ Beach Turn Churches In2 Nightclubs + Wet T-Shirt, Beer Bong, Etc 2 ^ Sunday Attendance!

Mexican Illegal Immigrants Can Cross Border & Stay 4 Good, If They Say They're Gay & Scared.

SOON Law Will Require Every Human & Every Item In World 2B RFID Chipped, NO Exceptions!

Will Barack Obama Declare Martial Law & Suspend 2016 Elections Via A False Flag Terrorist Attack?

Merry Christmas! Todays News Is The BEST NEWS EVER! Make SURE YOU Share It With Someone!

Isaiah 17 Prophecy! Apocalyptic Scenes Of Damascus Suburb Obliterated By Violent Clashes!

U.S. Needs Gun Control? 3,000 DEAD In Disarmed Chicago 2015! Criminals ALWAYS Have Guns!