Thursday, August 4, 2016

Secret Service Agent Who Guarded Hillary Clinton 8 Years Tells ALL! WOW This Stuff is SHOCKING!

ARMAGEDDON Asteroid 2 BARELY Miss Earth May SOON Return & Kill BILLIONS! Will U Live Or Die? WATCH!


The World Didn't End Surely July 29th 2016 Or Other Predicted Dates. I KNOW The REAL Day It Ends!

New $150 VR Sex System Allows LIVE, Anonymous, Virtual Sex With A REAL Person, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!

Does Matthew 24 Show The Antichrist Barack Obama Directly Related To The Rapture Of The Church?

WOW! Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! Do Jesus Words In Luke 10:18 Say This? The Answer May SHOCK U!

Did Obama Just Tell Reporters Trump May FORCE Him 2 Stay As President Beyond 2017? WATCH THIS!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton Hiding A Brain Injury? Is She Physically Or Morally Fit 2B President? U Decide!

RIP US! Obama Gave Past Presidents 1 Million + $ A Year 4 Travel & Denies Vets, Elderly 1 Cent More!

Michelle Obama To DNC Mob: Hillary Who Called Disabled Kids Fu*king Retards Is True Kids Role Model!

WOW! They Boo'd Bernie & Hillary Off Stage @ DNC Convention! Will Obama Suspend 2016 Elections?

Feel The Bern? Bad Enough He Lied By Endorsing Hillary BUT What He Just Said U Gotta Hear 2 Believe!

Put ISIS ALL Terrorism On Back Burner! Obama Said Air Conditioners & Refrigerators MUCH More Lethal!

Is This Designer Human Animal Hybrid Part Of The Next Evolution? Genetic Science Is Getting Scary!

My New Channel! Hope U Enjoy It!

FYI, There Are Now 65 Official Gender Classifications! I List Them So U Can Get With The Program!

Violent, Deadly, Fatal Shootings, Murders, Cops, Etc Live Video's Are Getting Too Graphic To Watch.

What Will Left Behind Christians & FEW Who Make It Who Dont Believe In The Rapture Do & Say 2 Jesus?

The Antichrist Barack Obama @ Mexico & Canada 2 Push North American Union 1 World Leader, Government

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The SIMPLE Solution 2 END World Hunger, Disease, Crime, Inequality In 30 Seconds!

Picture Claims 2 Show Dead Mans Spirit Leaving His Body. Can U Know If He Went Heaven Or Hell? YES.

Gog (Putin) Told The Antichrist Barack Obama: It's Urgent 2 Fix Things Between Us NOW!

The Antichrist 2B Most Narcissistic Man Ever! Obama Said Own Name 45 Times @ Dallas Cops Funeral.

RIP America! U.S. Court Chief Justice Says ALL Judges Should IGNORE The Constitution! Were TOAST!

HUGE NASA Alien Cover-Up! As UFO Enters Earths Atmosphere, ISS Cuts Video Feed!

Rapture/3rd Temple Alert! Palestine & Jordan UN Vote 2 Make Israel Give Up Jerusalem & Temple Mount!

The Antichrist Barack Obama On 700 Magazine Covers, Nobel Prize, 2 Grammy's, Many Person Of Year!

Alien Rapture? NASA: "Aliens Will Make Contact SOON!" Be Blamed For Abducting ALL Christians & Kids!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The False Prophet Pope Francis: True Christians Need 2 Apologize & Ask Forgiveness 4 Loving Gays!

Rapture/Tribulation News! U.S., Canada, Mexico & EU Want 2 Become Super States! 10 Kingdoms Begin?

Hey BET! Hypocrisy! Hypocrites Hillary Clinton & Bill Privately Call Black People G*d Damn*d Nigg*rs

I've Uncovered The TRUE Reason Obama & Democrats Wants 2 Disarm Us! If You Value Your Life, WATCH!

Everyone's Starting A Go Fund Me Campaign! Scams Or Legit? Has It Gotten Totally Out Of Control?

Honest Question: Is Franklin Graham Working For The Devil?

Here's PROOF That Mankind, Plants & Animals Will SOON BE WIPED OFF THE PLANET!

HUGE Mark Of The Beast Alert! ALL Worlds Banks Eliminating Passwords For Biometrics, NOW!

*WARNING* Nephilim Are BACK! New Technology Has Brought Us Full Circle Back 2 The Days Of Noah!

#BREAKING NEWS*! BREXIT HAS PASSED! Britain Leaves EU! World Going Mad! The END Is Near!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

HUGE Rapture, Tribulation, Millennium News! Dead Sea Drying Up! Fresh H2O Filling It!

WAKE UP!!! Donald Trump, The Antichrist Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton All Work Together!

ONLY The Antichrist Could Do This! Barack Obama Poll #'s HIGHER Than ANYTIME Since 1st Term!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Accepts & Gives Many Donations Of 666, Yet Pope Francis Refuses To, Why?

Evangelical Christian Pastor Praised Orlando Gay Club Killer & Says All Gays Should Be Slaughtered.

HUGE Rapture, Tribulation, Gog Magog War Alert! Experts Say Russia 2 Start A MAJOR War ANY DAY!

Like The Antichrist Barack Obama The False Prophet Pope Francis Has Gained The World & Lost His Soul

Giant Old Masonic Mural Full Of Illuminati & NWO Symbols Predicts President Hillary Clinton + More!

Muslim Imam @ Orlando: KILL ALL Gays!+Orlando Muslim Gay Club Killer Worked 4 DHS On FBI Watch List!

World Renowned Respected Scientist Michio Kaku's Found 100% Proof God Exists & Created The Universe!

Mass Shootings Are EVERYWHERE! Here's What 2 Do If Your Caught In 1. This CAN Save MANY Lives!

50+ Dead, 50+ Injured @ Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting. Here's What You Need To Know.

Episcopalian Christian Church Says LGBTQ People Will REVITALIZE Christianity In A Much Needed Way!

Is The Antichrist Barack Obama Human, Nephilim, Alien? Bible Says He'll Be Different Than The Rest.

Southern Baptist Church Convention Approves Tithes & Offerings 2 Build Many MOSQUES 4 U.S. Muslims!

HUGE Rapture & Tribulation News! P.M. Netanyahu & Putin Cozying Up. The Holy Spirit Told Me Why!

Joel Osteen Just Told The World That God DEFINITELY & 100% APPROVES Of The Homosexual Lifestyle!

RAPTURE ALERT! Flooding In U.S, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What A Guy! Justin Trudeau New Law: Upset A LGBT Person, Get 2 Years In Prison! Real Change Now!

Trudeau Changed Canada's National Anthem. Obama Should Change Ours 2 What I Sing Here.

26 women report sexual assaults By Muslim Refugees Out in The Open at HUGE German music festival

If You Want To See The Devil Up Close With Your Own Eyes, Watch What I Am About To Share With You!

NEW PROOF Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! Bronco's Visit On 6/6/16, Give Him #44 Jersey + MUCH MORE!

BREAKING NEWS: A Clinton Has Just Been Arrested. Here Are The Details. Another Clinton Arrest Near?

Ladies, Men R Secretly Recording U & Ur Daughters In Bathrooms & Showers Night & Day.

HUGE Rapture & Tribulation News! P.M. Netanyahu Agrees To 1967 Borders Peace Deal!

WHAT???? U.S. Christian Pastor Performs 'Naked' @ Christian Womens Church Conference.

Israel 7 Year Peace Treaty NEAR! New Defense Minister Liberman: Lasting Peace Main Priority!

HUGE TRIBULATION NEWS! New Jordan P.M. Loves Israel! Will He Hide 1/3 Jews From The Antichrist?

Did Obama Just Reveal How He'll Declare Martial Law & Suspend 2016 Presidential Elections?

Monday, May 30, 2016

Sermon Rewind: Imagine How Different Life Would Be If Christians Actually Lived Like Christ.

California Sanctuary City 5 Time Deported Ex Con Illegal Mexican Murders Woman Walking With Her Dad.

WHAT? 4 Mexican Illegals Families Sue Landlord 4 Requiring Them 2 Show Proof They're U.S. Citizens!

WOW! Saudi Arabia Has PROOF Of U.S. 9-11 False Flag! These 3 Things PROVE They're 100% CORRECT!

I Am Weeping Today :( The KJV Emoji Bible Translation 2B Sold In 2 Days. satans Behind This 100%

Hillary Clinton's In Trouble With The Law AND U.S. Voters As Her Past Catching Up With Her!

What? U.S. Now Has 31 Sanctuary Cities Where Illegal Aliens Can Live & NOT Be Arrested Or Deported!

Day After Hillary E-Mail Scandal News Trump Leads By 36 Points! Obama Suspend Elections 2 Stop Him?

Oregon Transgender Elementary School Teacher Gets $60K Because Co-Workers Wouldn't Call Her 'They'

Saturday, May 21, 2016

DNC Has Rigged It 4 Hillary Clinton 2 Beat Bernie Sanders, Peoples Choice! Want PROOF, Watch This!

Iran Says Holocaust Cartoon Contest Is All In Fun So Lets Have A Fun Mohammed Cartoon Contest!

WHAT? Ancient Bible Code Said To Reveal Donald Trump Will Be President & Usher In Return Of Jesus.

Israel Celebrates 68 Yrs As A Nation! Bible Says Within 70 Yrs Generation Will See The Rapture!

U.S. Media USED 2b Fair & Honest. Now They Are 100% Biased, Lie, & Work ONLY 4 Obama.

PA P.M. Abbas Says He's Following The Nazi's Plan To WIPE OUT The Jewish Race

MUST SEE! 1st Zombie Wedding? 2 Dead People Come Out Of The Grave & Have Wedding Ceremony!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Ends U.N. Resolution 242 Says Arabs Palestine NO 1 Need Recognize Israel

The Media's LYING! New 2016 Presidential Poll: Donald Trump DESTROYS Hillary Clinton 53% To 36%!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Approves U.N. Resolution 2 Protect Palestinians From Israel In War.

WHAT? Hillary Clinton Scandal: She Calls Disabled Kids 'Fu*king Retards' & Jews 'Fu*king Ba*tards'

My 40th Rapture Dream, It Is ANY Second Now!!! God Spoke, I Flew Away & Saw Something AMAZING!

Obama ORDERS ALL U.S. Schools K-12 To Let Any1 Use Any Bathroom, Or Lose Federal Funding.

Alien Life PROOF & Agenda Soon 2B Exposed? Hillary Clinton: I WILL Open ALL U.F.O. X-Files!

Barack Obama & Clinton's Buddy Runs Snopes! Should U EVER Believe Snopes? NOPES!

***URGENT*** Federal Agent Commits Suicide, Leaves Note Describing Govt's HORRIFYING Plan 4 Us!

Londons Muslim Mayor Praised 9/11 Terrorists! Quran Tells Muslims 2 Lie 2 Gain Ur Trust 2 Defeat U!

How Can Hillary Clinton, Caught In Endless Lies, Accused Of At Least 13 Crimes, Run 4 President?

How Can Donald Trump Act & Talk Like A 3rd Grade Boy On The Playground, & Run 4 President?

NO Jade Helm 15, How About Jade Helm 16, UWEX 2016? 100's Of M1 Abrams Tanks Roll Through TX!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MORE PROOF Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! He Made A Video Of Himself Mo...

National Day Of Prayer? Does God Even Hear Or Care As Bunch Of Backslidden Hypocrites Put On Show?

3rd Term? New Poll Shows Obama Would Destroy Hillary & ANY Republican If He Ran!

Ted Cruz Done Lying 4 Now, Drops Out. Trump Leads Hillary. Whats Obama's Next Move? We'll See SOON!

Is The Earth Round Or Flat? My Dad & I've Travelled The Entire World & I Have The SHOCKING Answer!

BREAKING NEWS: New Non Partisan Polls Give Trump 2 Point Lead Over Hillary. Why Does This Matter?

Donald Trump Rise, Martial Law, False Flag, Election Suspended, Obama Has Just Begun! 7 More Years!

New Poll: Over 90% Of U.S. Support N.C. Bathroom Law. Why Does Media Say It's The Opposite?

0:03 / 3:01 Happy Mothers Day! Obama Salutes Transgender & Same Sex Moms In Mothers Day Message!

Gay Mount Rushmore! The Antichrist Barack Obama Creating 1st Gay National Monument!

Seismologists Say Great Whore Of Babylon (U.S.) Mantle Is Disintegrating. KILLER Earthquakes Near!

New Study: Cheating Is Good 4 You & Your Marriage! + New Marriage Vows Allow Husband To Cheat!

UN Security Council Says World Must Protect Palestinians From Israel!

Each Month In 2016 Has Been HOTTEST On Record! The Bible Prophesied This & It Will Get UNBEARABLE!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Camera Records Giant UFO In California! Alien Sightings Are EVERYWHERE In U.S. EVERYDAY now!

2016 Election Suspending False Flag? Obama: US Preparing 2 Defend Itself From N. Korea Attack!


The Antichrist Barack Obama Said I'll Do What It Takes 2 Pass Deal That Makes Him Head Of The EU!

URGENT EMP ALERT: TWO EMP Enabled N. Korean Satellites Now Orbit Above The U.S.!

"Christians" Franklin Graham Ted Cruz John Boehner Take The BEAM Out Of Ur Eyes B4 Speck In Others!

Obama Creating 20 Sanctuary Cities For Illegal Aliens & They Are Non Deportable Or Prosecutable!

HUGE Psalm 83 War & Gog Magog War News! Israel Says Multiple Front Wars Are NEAR!

100% PROOF Target & Other Pro-Transgender Restroom Policies Are Abused & Threaten Women & Children!

Are Near Death Experiences, Heaven & Hell Visits From God Or satan? The Bible Says?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

FINALLY! Harriet Tubman To Grace The 20 Dollar Bill! NOW Lets ALL Work 2 END RACISM FOREVER!

Great Message.  Slavery was a very bad thing and it should have never been in the picture to begin with.

It is time to give your life over to Jesus Christ Now before it is TOO LATE!

BREAKING NEWS: Singer Prince Rogers Nelson Dead @ 57.

Breaking News

The Antichrist Barack Obama Tells Israel 2 Give Your Land To Syria! It Don't Belong To You!

For those who follow my post, this is not slander.  This is biblical prophecy in the last of the last days at it's finest.  It is time to give your life over to Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.  READ YOUR KJV HOLY BIBLES and see for yourself and if you don't believe me, then do your research.  This research takes time and when you research this information, you will see the truth of what the KJV HOLY BIBLE is talking about.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obama Crow! Poll: U.S. Racial HATRED Worst Since Jim Crow! Thx 4 Healing Racism As U Promised!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! His Puppet P.M. Trudeau Follows His Lead, Stops Freedom Of Worship!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! He Removed Freedom Of Worship Law Cuz SOON Only HE Can Be Worshipped

Glenn Beck Who Practices A devils Religion Has Gall 2 Criticize Americans For Worshipping The devil!

Double Standard? Gay College Coach CONTINUALLY Sexually Harassed Employee & Gets Fined $455.00!

"Big Name" Christians Are Now Jumping On My Bandwagon & Saying America Is Great Whore Of Babylon!

Black Star Calls 4 Black Men 2 Gang Rape Sarah Palin! What If White Star Said This @ Loretta Lynch?

Obama Just Guaranteed NO Republican Will Be President In 2016! How Can He Be Sure? I'll Tell U!

Psalm 83 War Trigger? Arab Leaders Tell ALL Arabs 2 PROTECT Dome Of The Rock From "Wicked" Israel!

Pope Francis Tells All Christians To NOT Tell LGBT Community How Bible Says 2 Live.

HUGE MARK OF THE BEAST ALERT! This Summer YOUR Fingerprint Will Be Used To Buy & Sell!

New Humanoid Robot Created. The Talking Image Of The Beast Man Will Worship Is VERY NEAR!

BREAKING! MASS CLONING/Human Animal Hybrid Factory Creates Soul-Less Humans, Livestock, & Pets!

BREAKING! Top Astronomer: Newly Discovered Planet WILL Destroy Earth! Some Say Soon As April 2016!

With Passover Near & River Nile Turned To Blood, It's OBVIOUS Rapture/Harpazo & Tribulation R NEAR!

Mark Of Beast? Obamacare Purpose All Along: Make Insurance Unaffordable & Herd U In2 Beast System!

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist! Distant Great Grandson Of Roman Empire Founder! 100% Perfect Match!

**URGENT** RIOTS, Martial Law & Election Suspension COMING? Barack Obama Orders Welfare 2B Cut Off!

Demons Released + Blood Sacrifice? Times Square Temple Of Baal Opens Day Of HIGHEST satanic Holiday!

Friday, January 1, 2016

If Barack Obama Leaves Office In January 2017, That's 666 Months From Month He Was Born!

False Teacher John Hagee Lied Again 2day + Said He'll Set Record Straight SOON! Dont Hold Ur Breath!

The Antichrist THREATENED Me, Told me To STOP Trying To Expose His Identity. He Dont Know Me!

Florida's Muslim Leader Talks Peace 2 U.S. In English & Talks TERRORISM 2 Muslims In Islam!

On 5 KEY Landmarks @ Obama's 1st Election, Chicago, His Towns Lottery Winning #'s Were 666!

Astronomers Say Giant Comets May Hit Earth & Have A HUGE Impact, May Kill BILLIONS!

Barack Obama's DESTROYED America, Yet He's The Most ADMIRED Man In U.S. Here's Why!

Floods Of Biblical Proportions Leave Cities, Towns & Villages Under Water In England!

Barack Obama Is Royalty! He Is Related To 2 EU Kings and 7 U.S. Presidents & Soon 2b King Of World!

Mark Of Beast Alert! Supreme Court Agree Lethal Injection's Bad & Say BEHEADING'S Most Humane!

Bible: Antichrist Will Be "Revealed" To All After Harpazo. IF U Have Wisdom (666) U Can Know NOW!

False Teacher John Hagee's Book Tells Jews Moses NOT Jesus Is Your Messiah! Jesus NEVER Claimed 2B!

If Obama Was Really Born In Hawaii, How Come They Cant Even Get An Abandoned Lot Named After Him?

In 2015 Muslim Americans Break U.S. Terrorism Record! More Than 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Most EVER!

In 2015 Muslim Americans Break U.S. Terrorism Record! More Than 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Most EVER!

Tornado's Killed 16 In South, 11 Killed In Texas From Tornado's, Now Blizzards & Flooding Come!

False Teacher John Hagee's Book Tells Jews Moses NOT Jesus Is Your Messiah! Jesus NEVER Claimed 2B!

Religion Of Peace: All Muslims Ordered By Islam To Harvest Organs From ALL Living Non Muslims

Rare Christmas Time Tornado's Kill At Least 16 In U.S. South. God's Trying To Get Our Attention

Pastors @ Beach Turn Churches In2 Nightclubs + Wet T-Shirt, Beer Bong, Etc 2 ^ Sunday Attendance!

Mexican Illegal Immigrants Can Cross Border & Stay 4 Good, If They Say They're Gay & Scared.

SOON Law Will Require Every Human & Every Item In World 2B RFID Chipped, NO Exceptions!

Will Barack Obama Declare Martial Law & Suspend 2016 Elections Via A False Flag Terrorist Attack?

Merry Christmas! Todays News Is The BEST NEWS EVER! Make SURE YOU Share It With Someone!

Isaiah 17 Prophecy! Apocalyptic Scenes Of Damascus Suburb Obliterated By Violent Clashes!

U.S. Needs Gun Control? 3,000 DEAD In Disarmed Chicago 2015! Criminals ALWAYS Have Guns!