Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Turkeys Erdogan REFUSED 2 Take Troops From Iraq Until The Antichrist Barack Obama Ordered Him To!

U.S. Muslim College Prof: Christians Are FILTHY In allahs eyes & Deserve 2b DESTROYED By Islam!

Christian Church Pastor Found A New Way To Triple Attendance! They all Drink Booze After Service!

Isaiah 17 NEAR? Putin Warns Will Use Nukes On ISIS Who's Right Next To Israel!

Christian Prayer NOT Allowed But U.S. High School Builds Muslim Prayer Room!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Secretly Signed Bill Encouraging Us To Spy On Each Other & Report 2 Him!

U.S. Christian Church Has Star Wars Service 2 Bring People In! They Think Jesus Can't Cut It Anymore

Now That Barack Obama Gave It His Blessing, The U.N. For 1st Time In Agreement On Syria Resolution!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Gets The U.N. To Back Him On A Global Police Force!

New Poll: MANY U.S. "Christians" Believe In gods, godesses, astrology, Animal Spirit Guides

Riddle Me This: Why Is A Pagan World Who Openly Mock & Deny God, Blaming Him 4 Not Fixing Things?

Terrorism, MURDER & Threats By Peaceful U.S. Muslims SKYROCKETING! & Media Says We Hate Them?

Question: Is Russia Preparing For War With Turkey? Jewish Rabbi Prophesied This 400 Yrs Ago.

Peaceful, Kind & Gentle Palestinians Planning Orchestrated Suicide Bombings Against Israel!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dear Leader Barack Obama Says NO Threats Exist, While We Have Muslim TERRORIST Threats Daily!

Asked About Paris Muslim Terrorist Attack, Black Lives Matter Replied: "F*CK Paris"

Yet Another Peaceful U.S. Muslim Terrorist! This 1 A Pizzaria Owner Recruiting For ISIS In The U.S.!

Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ Muslim Terrorists Battle Cry, @ U.S. School Concert.

ROFL Satanists Say They Dont Follow Or Worship Satan, They're "Activists" Just In: Dog's Dont Bark!

U.S. Schools Have Students Practice Calligraphy By Writing Out "There Is No god But allah"

Tired Of Seeing Peaceful Muslims Rape & Murder Them, Sweden Citizens Buy Guns, Form Citizen Groups.

What A Joke! Republicans Who SWORE They'd NEVER Fund Obama's Climate Billions, Just Gave It To Him!

Isaiah 17 Prophecy Alert! U.S. Joins Russia, Says Assad Can Be President! This WILL Set Off Rebels!

Dear Leader MAObama Pardoned 40 Lifer Crooks 2day! Twice Amount @ Last 5 Presidents COMBINED!

Do New Bible Codes Suggest Hanukkah Or Purim 2016 Are The Harpazo, Catching Away, Rapture?

Expert Astrologer Says The Universe Is Dying. The Human Race Is SOON 2B Gone FOREVER!

Muslims Touring Bagnell Dam Took A HUGE Interest, Asking Strange Questions, Tried 2 Get Closer Look!

Barack Obama To Fund Human Animal Hybrids Research & Creation @ Secret U.S. Labs!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

2% Of Population Gets 100% Preferential Treatment, ie Voice Winner Jordan Smith & Olympian Jenner.

Muslims Caught Surveilling & Sketching Security System @ Federal U.S. Facility @ Mexican Border

New Israel Drug Let Jimmy Carter Claim 2B Cancer Free! NOW Apologize 2 Israel For 40 Yrs Of HATRED!

Welcome To The Zombie Apocalypse! 80% Of Those Surveyed Say It's Already Here! How About YOU?

Planned Parenthood Not Only Dumps Aborted Babies In Garbage Dumps, They Also Cook Them!

Welcome To The New Church! Houses Of "One". A Mosque, Synagogue & Church Rolled Into One!

Barack Obama Secret Trade Deals Gives MILLIONS Of U.S. Jobs To Foreign Workers He's Bringing Here!

Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are Peaceful, Tolerant People & Have NOTHING To Do With Terrorism!

Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are Peaceful, Tolerant People & Have NOTHING To Do With Terrorism!

0:05 / 1:12 Just Like Hitler In Nazi Germany & Polpot Khmer Rouge? U.N. Accuses Israel Of Ethnic Cleansing.

Iran Breaks The Nuclear/Nuke Agreement/Deal! Barack Obama & U.N. Look Other Way!

New Report! The U.S. Cities With HIGHEST Muslim Population, Also Have The HIGHEST Crime Rates!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

See HUGE Star Wars Nativity Scene! Church Claims Jesus Isnt A Big Enough Draw!

Russia Says It's Nukes Can Breach US Missile Defense Shield! The Great Whore Of Babylon Is TOAST!

The 1 World Government Is FINALLY READY! Agenda 21/2030 Has Begun As Earth's FINAL Act Begins!

2 Peaceful Muslims In My Town Arrested For Emptying Their Weapons Into Car With Mom & Baby In It!

REAL LIFE AND DEATH Hunger Games & Survivor! World Government SOON 2 FORCE All 2 Participate!

Religion Of Peace: Muslim Judges Order Children With Down Syndrome & Other Disabilities MURDERED!

Scientists Found SuperBug Thats Immune To All Antibiotics If You Get It YOU DIE!

Another GIANT Asteroid 2 Pass NEAR Earth Christmas Eve! Expert Says SOON 1 WILL HIT & KILL BILLIONS!

Planned Parenthood Paid 2 Murder MILLIONS & Lady Trying 2 Abort Her Baby Charged With Att. Murder!

Evangelical Preacher On Trial For Saying Islam's Satanic! If The Lord Tarries They Will Come 4 me!

One Christian Slaughtered For Their Faith Every Five Minutes That's Over 1/2 MILLION A YEAR!

CRIMINAL Gas Price Gouging @ Pump! Veterans & SS Get NO Raise Due To MEGA LOW Oil Price?

NO Barack Obama, We DONT Hate Muslims We Like 2 Live! YOU Brought Them Here & They're Killing Us!

U.S. Muslim Wearing Hijab, Placed Her Hand On Quran To Become A U.S. Judge. Is This A Problem?

The G-7 SOON 2B Replaced By G-10, Aka The 10 Kingdoms The Antichrist Will SOON Rule!

With This 1 Exception, EVERY Word That Comes Out Of Barack Obama's Mouth Has Been A LIE!

Hollywood Prepares World 4 Satan & Fallen Angels Soon Appearance With 4 New Movies & T.V. Series!

GODS "WARNING" NOT Global Warming! The Worlds Weather Is UNREAL! It's NOT El Nino, It's "El Bible-0"

BREAKING: U.S. Peaceful Muslims Arrested Today In Maryland & Illinois 4 Planning Terrorist Attacks!

MUSLIM TERRORISM ALERT: ALL L.A. Schools Closed Due To Credible Muslim Terrorism Bomb Threats!

MUSLIM TERRORISM ALERT: ALL L.A. Schools Closed Due To Credible Muslim Terrorism Bomb Threats!

I'm NOT Willing 4 My Family 2B Killed & Raped 2 Prove My Tolerance 4 Muslims. Are YOU?

Changing This Channel To A 24 Hour, On The Hour News Channel. Tell All Your Friends, Check Hourly!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

U.S. TERRORISM ALERT! 3 HUGE U.S. Malls Closed Due To Bomb Threats! Daily U.S. Terrorism Now!

Undercover Video! Planned Parenthood DUMPING Aborted Babies In Landfills For Scavengers To Eat!

Islam Scholar: Muslims Have NO Claim To The Temple Mount, Including Dome Of The Rock Area!

BREAKING NEWS: The Antichrist Barack Obama Mark Of The Beast One World System Goes Online TODAY!

ISIS Creating FLAWLESS FAKE Passports For Muslim Terrorists To Enter U.S.! Experts: MANY Are Here!

TERRORISM ALERT? Muslims Buy 100 Cell Phones @ Missouri Walmart + Bomb Making Material Stolen!

U.S. Muslim Diplomats Adult Son Rapes 13 Year Old U.S. Girl In New York. When Will U.S. WAKE UP?

YES The Antichrist Barack Obama Was #1 In 2015 Worlds 50 Most POWERFUL People! Putin, Francis?

0:03 / 3:30 What? 'Jews Dont Need Jesus' SAY The False Prophet Pope Francis, Vatican & False Teacher John Hagee!

PREPARE 2 DIE! Human Extinction In 10 Years! Killer Asteroid, Global Plague & WWIII 2 DESTROY ALL!

New Poll! GLOBAL SHARIAH LAW! 60% Of World + 1 Million In U.S. Muslims DEMAND It! DEPORT THEM ALL!

The 10 SECRETS The Antichrist Barack Obama Paid 2 Hide! If Congress Acted On Them He'd Be In Prison!

83 Radical U.S. Mosques, 42,000 Radical Islamists Can Send 2 Suicide Bombers 2 Each City!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Terrorism Speech Was Set-up 4 Martial Law To Suspend 2016 Elections?

Satans Man The Antichrist Barack Obama Had Demon Horns Demon Ghosts Demon Skull @ Terrorism Speech!

LOLOLOL! Hear the BEST Joke Ever! The Funniest Joke EVER! If You Have 54 Seconds 2 Spare, WATCH!

True Christians R @ Spiritual & Physical WAR! Witness Pray Read Bible Buy A Gun & Learn 2 Shoot It!

CENSORED! Youtube Froze ALL My Video's STOPPED Subscriber Notifications & Leaves FAKE Christians Be!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Peaceful U.S. Muslims MURDER 14 In California Mass Shooting! Terrorists Living American Dream!

agog War Alert! Gog (Putin) Reveals MAJOR Jewish Connection. Will He Use It 2 Set Israel Up?

Russia & Iran Try 2 Gain Control Of Euphrates River! 200 MILLION Man Army 2 Cross & Kill BILLIONS!

Peaceful U.S. Muslim Terrorists & ISIS Are ALL Over America & Ready 2 Strike Just Like California!

WOW! The False Prophet Pope Francis Says Christians Who 100% Believe The Bible Are EVIL LIARS!

WOW! The Antichrist Barack Obama Says "Muslims Israels NOT A Nation & Her Land Is ISIS Land!"

MURDER! CALIFORNIA MASS SHOOTING 14+ DEAD! ALL Worlds Shootings Are Traced To 1 Person! His Name?

Isaiah 17 News: Damascus Is Almost DEAD, A War Torn Death Filled Ghost Town. It's Soon 2B DESTROYED!