Monday, August 24, 2015

NASA Says Asteroid Wont Destroy The World Next Month. BUT 1's NEAR That Will Kill BILLIONS!‏

End Times News: Rapure Alert! ALL World Leaders Want Universal Basic Income, The BEAST SYSTEM NOW!‏

End Times News: Rapture Alert! Jewish Holidays Begins Period of Cataclysmic Events for Israel‏?

End Times News: Rapture Alert! Global Stock Markets Worst Month In YEARS!‏ BIG Prophecy Implication!

End Times News: Rapture Alert! Putin Signs “September War” Order Authorizing Nuke Attack On NATO?

Rapture Alert? Hebrew Text Says Rapture 2B Between Rosh Hashana, Feast Of Trumpets 2015 & 2016!‏

Rapture Alert! Wars & Rumors Of Wars Alert! North & South Korea Attacking Each Other!‏

WOW! HUGE Ashley Madison Hacked & Downloaded! Josh Duggar Outed. Expect Many More Christians 2B!

Porn Is Often The Gateway "Drug" To Sexual Deviency.Ted Bundy, Jared Fogel, R2 Of Endless Examples.

Everywhere U Look, Sex Sells! EVERYTHING Is Now Sexualized! + U Wont Believe New Porn Users Stats :(

DON'T Feed The "Stray" Pastors & Christians Your $$$ Or They'll Keep Coming Back 4 More!

Yet Another Threat Uncovered To The Antichrist Barack Obama's Life. Read Revelation 13:3.‏

Friday, August 14, 2015

End Times News: Rapture Alert! Is NASA Hiding Proof ISS & World Being Monitored By Aliens?

End Times News: WOW! 3 Years Of Rain Falls In 12 Hours Causing Deadly Flooding & Mudslides in Chile!

Dockidds Has Been Asked This Question Dozens Of Times. I Now Confess, Yes I'm A Smoker.

BREAKING NEWS: NEW PROOF Barack Obama Is The Antichrist Has Been Found In The Bible Codes? WATCH!

The Antichrist Barack Obama Tells Congress: Even If U Override My Veto, I'm Getting My Iran Deal!‏‏

End Times News! Rapture Alert! Gog Magog War: Putin (Gog) Russia (Magog) & Iran 100% Join Forces‏!

End Times News: Rapture Alert! Isaiah 17 Prophecy: For The First Time EVER, Russia TURNS On Syria!‏

BREAKING NEWS: Ferguson Missouri Declares State Of Emergency. Selective Race Baiting & Media Lies!

The Antichrist Barack Obama: If Israel Attacks Iran, We'll ATTACK Israel! To Protect Iran!

The Antichrist Barack Obama: Support Me On Iran Deal, Or Support The TRAITORS Netanyahu & Israel!‏

The Antichrist Barack Obama Only Has Two TRUE Enemies. Jews & Christians! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!‏