Saturday, June 27, 2015


The Truth On Traditional Marriage

A world that supports a redefinement of a 6000yr old covenant between 1 man and 1 women is a world quickly spiralling into all sorts of moral decadence. Implications that will arise from such perversion will be great and many. Sadly no amount of debate can save a wicked society who calls good evil and evil good. The family unit has been under attack for many decades, as a result we see an increase in feminism, homosexuality, disrespectful children, divorced marriages, adultery, fornication, children out of wedlock, parents addicted to drugs, gambling, alcohole, legalised chopping of kids in the womb in abortion etc etc children raised without fathers to instruct them with wisdom and a continuing snowball affect of calling what is wrong right and what is right wrong. Pro homosexual marriage advocates be prepared to see transgender toilets at your children's schools, and be prepared for your innocent children to be taught about sodomy in sex education. This is the tip of the ice verge and imagine the filth God sees. All us christians can do is really get oil in our lamps now for it is getting very dark and the Lords return is nearer every day. Notice how the world has for years been trained to spread support of wicked things on social media and just what it has lead to now, support of a blasphemous mockery of Gods creation. Satan hates mankind as we are made in the image of God and its no wonder he hates marriage between a reproducing heterosexual couple because it is a picture of the triune nature of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Every day a child is born is another knife in the devils side, this is why satan has worked to destroy the family unit, promoting an unnatural ungodly practice of lust, increasing the immorality, disease and bondage of mankind, and lowering the population of the world. 

ALL True Christians Will Share This Video! ProudToLoveJesus - Celebrating Biblical Marriage!

Please share this with at least ten friends who are Christian

Sunday Sermon: Christians Living Together, Pre-Marital Sex, & Sexual Affairs All Lead To Hell.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Iowa Cop Guns Down Ryan Bollinger, Unarmed White Man, But No Looting, Rioting, Or Media Coverage?‏

I have seen too many reports of police brutality in the News as of late. The leader of Hellmerica is President Nobama i.e., the Anti-Chris is a racist coward. How much more can all of us true Christians, can take of this nonsense? Regardless of the matter, we need to be Ready to fly at all times because the Imminent Rapture is so close because, WE FLY SOON!

Obama Threatens 2 cut School Lunch Funding If Schools Don't Support His Transgender Agenda