Friday, January 23, 2015

The Antichrist Barack Obama Wont Meet PM Netanyahu@Congress Address: He ...

*The False Prophet Pope Francis Enabling Terrorism? + Charlie Hebdo/Isla...

WARNING: Doomsday Clock Moves to 11:57, 2nd Highest In History! Global ...

End Times Prophecy Update Prophecy Fulfilled or very close to being Fulfilled

WOW so much is happening my brothers and sisters that my head is SPINNING!!! I hope im not overwhelming you by releasing so many video's lately. There is just so much and really, I could do 20 videos a day and NEVER cover it all! I'm just trying to get the most relevant scriptural stuff as the Holy Spirit Leads! Keep close to Jesus and keep leading the lost to Him! LOOK UP, WE FLY SOON!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Mark of the Beast System is Now Here

Yet People still don't believe me when I say this. The Mark of the Beast system is here and if you are truly saved, yo will do the right thing and lay down your life for Jesus Christ just for refusing the Mark of the Beast. It is time to WAKE UP! If you Take this mark, you will never be forgiven again, because you would have one married Satan, and two, Blasphemed the Holy Ghost. Don't say I didn't warned you, because I did warned you. FIND JESUS CHRIST and Accept Him as your LORD and Savior NOWA before it is TOO LATE!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Antichrist Barack Obama

The Antichrist Barack Obama

*** UPDATE!!! I no longer have ANY TRUST in the information regarding the partial gravity on 4 January 2015.

*** UPDATE!!! I no longer have ANY TRUST in the information regarding the partial gravity on 4 January 2015. As I have said before, I would rather be mislead ONE TIME, that to miss something. I checked it out thoroughly, but sadly people have too much time on their hands these days and spread lies that can fool even the most careful person. The video has been removed. It had a TON of views, but unlike MOST I don't do this for views. I just feel like I was duped this time and I apologize to everyone. I try so hard to be careful before posting, I blew it this time.